We parents see it every season. It's kinda painful to watch, to be honest.
Often it involves someone we don't know, hauling a camera to team practice, who then proceeds to take a bunch of pictures of our kids.
The process goes something like this - our kids line up (and most of them don't really wanna have their picture taken), one-by-one our kids stand in front of this person's camera, the photographer asks them to stand a certain way, hold the ball a certain way, clickclickclick, then the photographer calls out "NEXT!"
Few if any conversations happen. I'll be the vast majority of players are never even asked what their name is.
All in the hopes we buy these pictures.
And honestly, are those pictures really worth the cost?
There's no real heart and soul in the effort.
And honestly, I'll never understand any creative endeavor in which a person doesn't put something of their heart and soul into it.
This is just a basic, no-real-effort approach to team picture day that treats our kids as commodities, not the unique individuals they are.
I actually find it disrespectful.
We parents deserve better. Our kids deserve better. Our kids are not commodities.
I have experience as a player, as a coach, as a parent, and yes (of course) as a creative portrait photographer who's worked in everything from weddings to sports these last 10 years.
And I can tell you one thing for certain - the best portrait photography, the one parents are excited to purchase and own, comes not from special lights or fancy cameras. It certainly doesn't come from a photographer who puts in minimal effort, either.
It comes from when the photographer respects, sees, and listens to the person in front of the lens.
It comes from a genuine connection between the student-athlete and the person creating their athlete portrait.
So even though team picture day means I get to spend only a few minutes with each player, I can tell you with all honesty that a few minutes is all a photographer needs to make that connection.
When a photographer makes that connection, when a photographer helps the student-athlete feel as if this whole team picture day experience is for them (not just because their parents want another picture of them in a jersey), it makes for better portraits and team picture day experiences.
Our kids are not commodities. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face.
Every member of every team is a person who has a story about where they've been as an athlete, where they're going, and where they are. Everyone one of them has overcome some obstacle, learned from some failure, enjoyed some moment of pure sports-related joy.
They have unique personalities. And they should be treated that way.
Team picture day should be built on that foundation of genuine connection. Not on posing or fancy cameras or super expensive lighting equipment.
If you're ready for that kind of team picture day, the one that actually means something to your team and the athlete in your family, then reach out to me here to get started. I'd love to hear how Creative Sports Photography can be of service to you.
Dave Pidgeon is the owner and chief image maker at Creative Sports Photography, the premier athlete portrait service in Central Pennsylvania. CSP is based in Lancaster, Pa., and available anywhere.